Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The Marvelous Boy (The Marvelous Toy, Tom Paxton)

I'm going to see Peter Paul and Mary in two days! Yay! The Marvelous Toy was my cousin's favorite song at one time, and she sang it whenever we went on car trips together. It's probably my favorite part of the video version of their holiday concert, too. I hope they sing it at their concert...

The Marvelous Boy

When he was a wee little lad, full of love and joy,
Young Peter Pan decided he would stay a little boy.
He sprinkled on some fairy dust and thought a happy thought.
And did Peter Pan glance home again? No, he certainly did not!

He can fly like a bird and fight like a knight.
He torments Captain Hook.
He lives in Never-Neverland.
You can find him in the book.

The first time Wendy met him, she admonished in surprise,
"Why, here is a boy who has lost his shadow, and look at how he cries!"
She sewed one foot and then the other, and then she clasped Peter's hand.
"Oh, please," she begged him, "can I join you in Neverland?"

He can fly like a bird and fight like a knight.
He torments Captain Hook.
He lives in Never-Neverland.
You can find him in the book.

She first called John and then called Mike while Tink flung insults with flair.
Then Peter showed the children how to be as light as air.
They started to fly, and though Nana yapped, she was quickly left behind.
Following the second star to the right, Wendy wondered what they'd find.

He can fly like a bird and fight like a knight.
He torments Captain Hook.
He lives in Never-Neverland.
You can find him in the book.

Well, the years go by too quickly, it seems, and when Peter came back one spring,
He scarcely recognized Wendy, who now wore a wedding ring.
His eyes nearly popped right out of his head, and he yowled in misery
Till her young daughter piped up from her bed, "Peter, won't you please take me?"

He can fly like a bird and fight like a knight.
He torments Captain Hook.
He lives in Never-Neverland.
You can find him in the book. 

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