Monday, August 7, 2006

I Guess That's Why They Call It the News (I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues, Elton John / Bernie Taupin / Davey Johnstone)

I hate watching or listening to the news. It's not that I'm totally unaware of what's going on around me. It's that I'm too aware, and it constantly threatens to plunge me into depression, so I really need to avoid the news as much as I can in order to keep myself from thinking all the time about all the bad things that are happening, most of which I can't do a thing about. I can handle Good Morning America because a nice chunk of that is, well, good, if sometimes a bit fluffy. But anything else I need in very small doses. What better song to express my sentiments than I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues? (Note: This is the first anniversary of Peter Jennings' death. RIP, Peter.)

I Guess That's Why They Call It the News

I can't look away,
Except when they tell me the weather.
I'm glued to the screen, but the anchor won't say
That things are gonna get better.

It's always that way.
Tragedies happen worldwide,
And it won't be long before, when it is on,
I will run to my bedroom and hide.

And I guess that's why they call it the news.
Blood on our hands and domestic abuse.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, murders and riots,
Infectious outbreaks. Wish they'd be quiet,
But I guess that's why they call it the news.

Spinning in space,
Earth's a collection of lands
All full of people in deep desperation.
Is this what is means to be Man?

All through the world,
Crying and fighting, but help
Comes rarely, if ever. What can we do?
Watching news, I'm overwhelmed.

And I guess that's why they call it the news.
Blood on our hands and domestic abuse.
Hurricanes, earthquakes, murders and riots,
Infectious outbreaks. Wish they'd be quiet,
But I guess that's why they call it the news.

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